A Morning Meditation.
The sea scented air of early morning is fresh, clean and sweet. I invite you to sit here peacefully on the dock with me while giving full attention to the beauty of this new day.
Breathe in deeply filling your spirit with PEACE … and exhale completely letting go of any tension or concerns swirling about in your mind and body.
Listen to the sounds of the sea water splashing against the dock and moving gently with the tide. Respond kindly to the greeting from the lone seagull swooping overhead. You may notice a dolphin or two swimming past you causing your heart to flutter with JOY.
The coconut palms sway gently and rustle in the breeze with a soft comforting and familiar sound.
The warm glow of the rising sun sparkling over the ocean is energizing as you begin a new chapter in your life; let go of whatever is holding you back from experiencing true HAPPINESS and well-being.
This is your life. It is precious and your state of mind and emotions are your responsibility to manage. It is important to cultivate your own JOY.
Giving of ones self repeatedly over years can drain your life force energy and it must be replenished or your well-being may suffer leaving your attitude toward your life dull and lackluster.
Bless those in your life that cause you pain or are troubled souls, their path is a difficult one. Removing yourself from the situation when it becomes too painful to bear is your right and an act of self-protection.
It is appropriate to practice being flexible, to shift and change with a new perspective, new light on the subject and new found wisdom.
Let life’s joys fill you with PEACE and contentment and let any sadness you may hold inside drift away leaving you cause to SMILE in the beauty of this new day.
With Love & Warmth,
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