Soulful Greetings
MINDFULNESS … the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.
Mindfulness allows you to be fully present in the actual moment in which you are living. It brings your awareness to observe how you are feeling emotionally or physically.
Mindfulness provides a way for you to pause and intently observe your surroundings, nature, your home, relationships, meals, activities and everything you may experience.
For the first time you may begin to notice the sky ablaze in color, a songbird’s sweet serenade or you may discover a flower blooming that you’ve never noticed before or how sweet or savory your food may be.
You may also begin to notice the warmth of the sun upon your skin or the sound of the wind in the trees.
Being mindfully present gives depth to our relationships and enjoyment in our daily lives. This is especially beneficial in times of stress, grief recovery or difficult life situations when life seems dull and gray.
It only takes a moment of observation to notice something beautiful and amazing in your life to uplift your spirit and improve your wellbeing a moment at a time.
Cultivating mindfulness means simply to live intentionally moment to moment with conscious awareness of the details in your life.
Yesterday, as I was meeting a new friend for lunch I mindfully noticed the sign in the restaurant and it made me nod and smile. It was a delightful confirmation about my recent intention to soulful inspired awareness to not only, breathe but it was also a reminder that Mindfulness Matters.
I invite you to take time each day to notice something in your life that causes you to smile and nod in confirmation and delight.