Hello Beautiful Souls,
Welcome to Week Two of Gratitude Challenge 2020
In this unusual year of social distancing during a pandemic it is especially important to look for the light within your life where you may find peace, healing and sparks of joy. It can be found in everyday experiences if you look closely and then also step back for a wider view.
Participating in a gratitude challenge is a excellent way to be mindful of the experiences and emotions that are uplifting and inspiring to you. It can remind you to look for the sunshine, the rainbows, the blooming flowers, the magic of sunrise, and a sparkling night sky as gifts bearing uplifting grace and joy.

A gratitude practice or challenge can inspire you to channel your emotions into creative writing, art or song that allow free expression and the opportunity to be thankful for the process and the outcome.
It can also help you to notice the relationships in your life, loved ones who may be in your home or are close in heart yet separated by distance. Taking the time to acknowledge and be grateful for the heart to heart and soul connections of family, friends and creative or spiritual partners is a wonderful way to reinforce your sense of community in this isolated world we are required to live in at this time.

I share my moments of gratitude with you to provide a glimpse into my personal healing journey and to encourage you as you seek healing from loss of any kind.
In this third week of November, I wish you beautiful moments of peace, uplifted joy, a heart full of love, soulful self care, and unlimited creativity.
Sending you love and lightness of heart,
Nancy Yuskaitis

I am thankful for the much needed rainstorm last night in the dry southwest and for clear skies and sunshine today.

I am grateful for the blessings of safety, protection and wellbeing of family & friends after a late season tropical storm passed through South Florida and the Florida Keys last night.

I am grateful for being a part of an exquisite team of lightworkers and mediums from the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts who meet weekly to assist in healing, raising the vibration and supporting each other to fulfill our soul’s purpose in light, love and compassion.
This transformational work has rippling effects that extend outward from our hearts and souls to touch the lives of each other and out to the world.

I am grateful for these cooler fall days, fresh air and beautiful painted skies. It is inspiring a desire for creativity and holiday spirit around our home.

I am grateful for the uplifting beauty surrounding our home and the bunnies, birds and butterflies who grace our lives in nature inspired and spirit inspired adventures.

I am grateful for the encouraging souls in my writing critique group at the Storyteller Academy as I discover my path to inspiring children and parents in magical inspired adventures with mindfulness, creativity, kindness and joy.

Day 14: Gratitude Challenge
I am grateful for this time of intense creativity and inspiration in my home studio. It is difficult to be on lockdown again in our enchanted State of New Mexico but looking on the bright side clearly involves being mindfully aware of uplifting soulful inspired adventures at home.
Thank you for visiting my blog, I genuinely hope that you feel the joyful positivity, encouragement, love and light that is being sent to you through my inspired words, experiences and photo’s. Please take special care of yourself. You are a treasure and you are loved.
Say HELLO on instagram and facebook, anytime.