Soulful Greetings,
The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: Rei, which means “a higher power’s wisdom,” and Ki, which is the energy of life force.
My reiki practice began decades ago and it has supported my life through numerous changes, challenges and circumstances beyond my control.
My life’s purpose has evolved too during these years as a lightworker in supporting others to foster wellness through providing healthy, fresh organic and macrobiotic foods and catering, personal fitness training, massage therapy and bodywork onto designing handcrafted glass jewelry with love, healing and intention, to the present time of offering inspirational writing, photography and art designed to uplift, inspire and promote wellbeing.
All the while reiki has been there in my life assisting to balance my energy, strengthen my spirit, provide energy to heal my grieving heart and fuel my love and light-filled mission to not only survive trauma and tragedy but to thrive with an open heart and a joyful spirit.
As a reiki master it is my passion and desire to inspire and empower you toward a healing journey filled with hope, happiness, peace and promise, no matter where you find yourself emotionally in this journey called life.
May your spirit be filled with radiant light and love beyond measure and if you are hurting may your heart be mended as you strive to heal from grief, loss, disappointment and heartbreak.
Love & Light,