Soulful Greetings
In the third week of this new year I experienced six adventures that brought joy to my life in the pure experience of them in the moment and for days to come including celebrating our yellow lab’s birthday and the magical heart inspired, nature inspired and cuisine inspired adventures of watching a gorgeous sunset, entertaining family from another state, a snowy winter hike and a delicious treat of new mexican food for breakfast, lunch and dinner on one day.
Soulful Inspired Intention: Dream in Color.
💛 Color is all around us, all we need to do is heighten our awareness to it. Color therapy can help balance our emotional lives, relieve sadness & stress and affect our moods, thoughts, and behavior. ✨ The colors we surround ourselves within our home and the colors in our natural environment can influence us in profound ways. ✨ What colors are you drawn to this month that brings you uplifted joy? 💛
#artfullyinspiredadventure #soulfulinspiredadventurechallenge
What adventure or activity will you promise yourself to experience that will offer uplifting, restorative joy to your life?
Will it be inspired by nature, travel, art, music, creativity, wellness, cuisine or zen adventures?
It’s important to the wellbeing of your body, mind & soul to be aware of at least one opportunity to feel joyful and light each day. 💛
Soulful Inspired Intention: Cultivate Happiness
☀️ Cultivating a happy life involves developing a mindful awareness of the beauty surrounding you in your everyday life that increases your joy.
Soulful Inspired Intention: Choose Happiness
I invite you to observe your current state of mind and as you do so, let yourself be immersed in thoughts and experiences that provide a colorful lightness to your life. If at all possible, choose happiness even just a moment at a time.
🌟 May you bask in the feelings of happiness today and every day.
I’d love to hear what activities, experiences or adventures uplift and bring joy to your life.
Happy Soulful Adventuring.
Nancy Yuskaitis
I’d like to thank you for visiting my blog and staying in touch on social media. I genuinely appreciate your support as I share my thoughts, experiences, and inspiration in love and light. I look forward to a continued relationship with you.
If you enjoyed the SOULFUL INSPIRED Inspiration and CHALLENGE feel free to share on social media and help spread the joyful positivity.
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